Monday, March 29, 2010

It's Official!!!!

We just got word from our agency that we got the Letter of Acceptance (LOA) from China!!!  This is the official notice from the CCAA that approves us to adopt little Siying.  So we can now post her pic!  Here she is...
How stinkin' cute is she???  Only little girls can make daddies gush this much!

So, when do we go to China and get her?  Best guess 3-4 months. I know, that seems too long.  I agree.  But there are a few more paperwork hurdles we have to go through on the US Customs and Immigration side. Our travel planning will start soon but no specific dates will get nailed down until the US Gov gives it's big stamp of approval.
Nevertheless, this is the BIG news we have been waiting and praying for. Yahoo!  We are sooooo excited.  We can now move forward with doing things like decorating her room and ordering her room furniture - all things we have been holding off on until we got this LOA. We'll update as we get more info, but things are definitely moving forward.  What a blessing!

We love you Siying and can't wait to bring you home.


Digdo said...

Awesome! Lucy is so cute!

sarah said...

LUCY AND I HAVE THE SAME HAIRCUT!!!!!! i love her already! xo!

Anonymous said...

SOOOO excited! Yay! Yay! Yay!!!!

Hmmmm, maybe another trip to VA Beach in the fall????

Unknown said...

She's so darn cute! Congrats!