Thursday, June 17, 2010


Norfolk to Detroit - 1.5 hours.
Detroit to Seattle - 4.6 hours.
Seattle to Beijing - 11.3 hours.
Beijing to Nanchang - 2 hours.
Nanchang to Guangzhou - 1.1 hours.
Guangzhou to Hong Kong - 1 hours.
Hong Kong to Detroit - 14.5 hours.
Detroit to Norfolk - 1.5 hours.
Airport Layovers - 25 hours

Total time in airports or airplanes -  62.5 hours.

Bringing home our baby girl - Priceless...


Unknown said...

Hooray! I couldn't sleep and am hopping around some blogs and stopped by yours. I'm delighted to hear you are leaving soon and bringing your little girl home! Looking forward to following along!

mhunter said...

so great! that is awesome news and you will have your sweet girl home soon! we are rejoicing with you guys and praying for your trip there and back.