Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Chongqing is famous...for it's toilets.

I want to thank all of you who have called and written to me to tell me that my son's hometown, Chongqing, is famous! Many of you saw a segment last night at the beginning of the Olympic coverage where the host was traveling to all sorts of "big" places in China like the Three Gorges Dam- the worlds largest dam. It just so happens that the dam is just down river from Chongqing - which is famous for it's toilets. Over 1000 of them, all under one roof. That's right, Chongqing is the site of the world's largest public bathroom! My chest is just puffing up with pride. It's too crazy to believe so you just got to see it for yourself.

I found a link that wasn't sullied by too much bathroom humor. So if you want to check it out, follow your nose...er mouse: http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1861828/posts. Or just Google: World's Largest Bathroom. It'll be there.

Now, I know that this will seem like a day late and a dollar short - but I have been researching Chongqing and already knew about the world's largest public bathroom. In fact, I was 'this close' to putting it in last night's blog but felt bad that I had railed against the city and let it go. Now I realize how prophetic it would have been if I just followed my instincts.

So, we've got at least one 'must see' for our list. Now if we can only find some Pandas. I mean there's got to be Panda's near there somewhere, right?

1 comment:

sarah said...

the coolest bathroom i've ever seen! this even beats out south of the border. i was a little jealous before (you get to get tyson and all) but now i'm really jealous! j/k!