Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tyson Today

Well today is the day we’ve been waiting for! It is rainy and humid outside but it’s sunny in our hearts. We are 3 hours away from going to get our son. We are excited and anxious and tense and fired up and exhausted with emotion all at once.

Our guide was very good with us in explaining how the process would go today. He said that the nannies are very good at explaining to the kids about their upcoming adoption and will use the photos we sent last month to try and prepare him for what we look like. He said that at age 4 he will have a pretty good understanding af who we are and why we are there. He told us not to be nervous, that today is a blessed day in our child’s life. He gets to go to live in America with two people who love him very much. He also told us that Tyson’s given name is pronounced Chang with a long a that sounds more like Chong. Between his given name of Qiang (which will become his middle name) and his new last name the poor kid will get called all kinds of things in school I’m sure. But at least Tyson is straight forward by American standards.

I gotta go. Big day today. Keep us in prayer!

I will post more today after we go get him…and pictures too!

1 comment:

clare said...

that made me cry a little. i guess i've learned my lesson about reading blogs at work.
