Monday, August 4, 2008's everywhere we want to be

So here we are. Sixteen days until blastoff - if everything goes well. And if we've learned anything through the adoption process it's that nothing is certain and everything takes longer than you'd ever expect. Nevertheless, we are pretty sure we leave for China on Aug 21. Crazy!

Today we received our travel visas from China! This is huge and brings us one step closer to actualizing the trip. Last Friday we received what is called a "travel approval" from China - basically, along with the visas we got today, it's China's way of authorizing our visit. With these two crucial steps out of the way the only thing left is to get a date from the US Consulate in Guangzhou, China. Once the US govt (i.e., the Consulate) sets our hearing day in Guangzhou, our adoption agency sort of works backwards from that date (it's the last thing we do in China) to arrive at our departure date - thus, the 21st of August. More than you wanted to know, huh?

OK, so the next few days will pretty much solidify all the travel plans. We expect to hear any day now from the US Consulate and then the travel agent will set up our flights in and out of China!

Melissa has been driving herself crazy waiting for these visas. She has gotten into a Yahoo Group with the other wives who are going to China in our travel group - pardon the adoption lingo, this is the group of all the families who will be traveling with us to China to pick up their kids - and every day someone else writes about how they got their visas and what a relief that was. So, Melis has been FREAKING OUT because we don't have ours yet. Stupid Yahoo Group! If she wasn't on it then she never would have known the others already had their visas and there would be no reason to freak. But as the ladies at work like to remind me, "she's got to freak out about something." So I guess that's that.

So all this is why the visas are so important. It's about containing the freaking.

So, about 3 weeks from now I will be an instant father. One day I will wake up in China and I'll be the dad of a 4 year old. How cool is that? We don't even know what size underwear to buy him but he'll be ours - baggy Diego briefs and all.

Can't wait to meet you little dude.


grandpadude said...

Well said DAD!!!!!!!

Emily Guinn said...

You already know that we are THRILLED for you, but now it's official because it's on your BLOG. :) T-minus 15 days until the start of your new life as parents of a precious little Chinese son!
Love you all,

Unknown said...

Congratulations to Tyson's Mom, Dad and all those who will fill his heart with such unconditional love. What an honor to learn your story, your joy, your trust. Know that we are thrilled, thank you for sharing your joy. The Green's
p.s. hope i'm doing this right, never blogged before :o)

Bigge said...

WOO HOO!!! can't wait to meet my little nephew. What a stud...baggy Diego briefs and all (like father, like son:). And yes Trav so crazy you will be a DAD in just 3 weeks. Big HUG to you and Melissa...xo

Bigge said...

Hey Trav~ GOOD NEWS...
i just found out that Chongqing has the worlds largest public restroom...over 300 toilets!! Now that is a sight to see, perhaps just as cool and similar to viewing the olympic village. Sure beats anything Detroit has, no offense Dad.
I'm rooting for the Chinese Gymnastic Boys...awesome:) maybe Ty will follow!! Can't wait. xoxo