Monday, September 1, 2008

Little Guy's Big Day

Today was the little guy’s birthday. He turned four in America and the rest of the Western world. He already turned four here in China at the Chinese New Year - that's the tradition over here, everyone gets a year older on the same day. He had birthday cake for the first time as well as his second ice cream cone ever. It was a very eventful and exhausting day.

We started out with a marathon shopping expedition to the jade and pearl market. Let me just say that spending hours in a 6 story mall with no air conditioning waiting for every woman in our group to finish shopping was hell. At one point a mom asked me if that was sweat on my shirt or if I had dumped a water bottle over my head to cool off. It was sweat, by the way. Trying to keep a rambunctious 4 year old busy for all those hours was double hell. We went up and down the escalator at least sixty times; up one side, down the other. Hold on to the rail, watch your step. Over and over again.

Next we went to the DVD store to buy educational videos and other stuff. Got a decent copy of Kung Fu Panda for about $2 – these were supposed to be the legitimate DVD’s and not the bootleg copies that you can buy in every 7-11 across the land. We’ll see.

We did lunch back at the hotel and then went for a walk in the park near our hotel. We aren't staying on Shamain Island like so many other travel groups have. Instead we are located in downtown Guangzhou, across the street from the city park. It’s kind of like Central Park in NYC but bigger and hillier. It has all kinds of paths and statues and stairs and stairs and stairs. We saturated another pair of clothes just getting there and gave ourselves dehydration headaches on the way back. Tyson was so tired that he could barely pick up his feet and actually let Melissa carry him. He never does that.

We got Tyson to settle down for a nap while we ran around and got together his birthday party. Our guides had already asked the hotel to make Ty a cake. We blew up balloons and brought in dinner and sang happy birthday about eight times. He really got excited for the cake with the candles and we blew them out twice. He had three pieces of cake and we were worried about him vomiting from all his overeating. I don't think the kids ever had cake before and all that sugar made getting him to sleep a bit harder - but he's out like a light right now - thank God.

At this point we are in a holding pattern – waiting for our paperwork to clear and for the consulate appointment this Thursday afternoon – then we are outta here. Definitely getting tired of hotel food and being confined to a hotel room most of the day. The hotel is lavish and in a great part of town but it’s just not home. And having to run down to Starbucks every night just to get internet connectivity is getting really old. We are in the home stretch now and we’ll be fine – but the clothes are getting dirty, we’re running out of underwear and we’re ready for that 13 hour flight back to Detroit.

Melissa and Mom send their love and Ty would to if he knew what we were talking about. Happy Labor Day Everyone!


Nai Nai said...

Looking forward to Bday pics and of course next years bday in the US. So glad to not see Meltdown #3 and instead a happy Ty with Di. Progress is great in any direction! You've done great with all the shopping T you're genes are against you between dad & me you didn't fair well in that dept. After reading Ashleigh's comment yesterday about Lydia, wondered if you could dress Ty up and go back for a picture on the red couch...course I have no idea where you are or where it's at, but it's a possibility. Something to keep you occupied and sweating. Weather here last week was hot and VERY HUMID, however today, Mon, it's really quite gorgeous...maybe Ashleigh was right and we should go turn off your AC to help you acclimate...wouldn't want you to freeze. Speaking of freezing, I'm assuming Melis is loving the heat & not wearing a sweatshirt indoors to keep warm. She's probably happy not to be freezing from the AC. Looking forward to next blog. Love to all, Mom & Nai Nai

The Coatsies' said...

Happy Birthday Ty!!!! We can't wait to let you tackle Sawyer and let him give you knuckles...and then watch him clap about it! Trav, check your email b/c i sent you the draft info...

love you guys and can't wait to see you this Friday!!

-Uncle BCC and Aunt Dra

Millers said...

Happy Birthday Tyson. Travis, we are loving the daily updates. Your writing is so good - you could have this published. Will you be able to get the address of Tyson's friend who is being adopted as well? - they could be penpals in the U.S.
We can't wait to see all of you.
Love, The Millers

ashleigh said...

hang in there guys!!! you are in the home stretch. three more days and then you are home to be a family forever. yippee yahoo!!!! travis, you get an extra garage added onto your home in heaven for enduring the pearl market. you are a good man!

happy birthday ty and we can't wait to see you!!! leave the crazy hot weather where you are and come enjoy the fall!

love you guys!
the sanzones

NET said...

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We wish you a happy birthday Tyson. Love you, Nanette, Dave, Josh, and Brett.

yimu said...

happy birthday to you..happy birthday to you...happy birthday dear tyson..happy birthday love yi mu

yimu said...

trav-i just wanted to thank you for blogging-i can not tell you what it has meant to me to feel in some way that i am right there with you guys-i'm sure that it is not easy for you to write every day but for so many of us it is the highlight of our day-please kiss my sister and mother for me-tara

yimu said...

nana and pop (paterson)said that they love you and are thinking about you on your birthday and every day

Maddiesmom said...

Happy 4th Birthday Tyson! We finally opened an account so we could leave a message. I have been updating lots of people at work and pulling up your blog-against the rules I know-for people to read. We can't wait to meet you.