Saturday, September 6, 2008

Safe and sound

Hey everyone, I just wanted to let you all know we made it home safe and sound last night. It was one heck of trip 28 hours of travel without rest - we were delirious by trip's end. Melissa and I wanted to thank all of you who showed up at the airport last night in support. Sorry the little guy wasn't in much of a mood for receptions but us adults truly appreciate you taking time out of your busy schedules to come see us home. It was a very nice homecoming. My parents had restocked the house with all kind of good food including rice and dumplings from China; so far it's the only thing he will eat. Poor kid keeps trying American food and splitting it out - he's going to go from solid to vapor in two weeks if he doesn't convert soon.

Tyson loves his new home and toys but is a little skittish on his new room. He was wired for hours once we got home, running on pure adrenaline. We really had to calm him down to get him to sleep. Thankfully, we have a toddler bed in our room that he was willing (with coercion) to sleep in - for a few hours. Then it was into bed with mom and dad and we all slept for hours and hours. In fact, we all slept until one in the afternoon and could have slept more but that would have put us really off schedule. So, we are trying to muscle through the rest of the day and get another good nights sleep tonight - trying to get on Eastern Time.

So, thanks again to all who wished us well on our return journey. We made it. More to come on Ty's adjustment to his new home (and name).

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