Sunday, September 28, 2008

sorry so long

Hello to any blogfans that still might be checking this site. I'm sorry it has been so long since I last posted but the rigors of fatherhood and bosshood have been overwhelming and I just haven't had the umph or concentration at night to put all the things I should be posting on line. Nevertheless we are finally settling into something resembling a routine and I feel like our heads are finally breaking the surface. So, I will attempt to post progress notes at least once a week and hopefully a bit more.

Today commemorates the second week in a row that Ty sat through a full church service (well almost full - in typical Jacques fashion we arrived 15 minutes late for service - and when I say Jacques I mean just this small branch of the family tree not the whole tree - so, no mom I didn't mean you, dad or Erin). Anywho, he has managed to make his way through two services without too much noise or discontent. It helped that Eric used a banana as a prop during his sermon - that kept Ty focused for at least 5 minutes. The other thing about arriving 15 minutes late is that seating is a bit of a crap shoot. At the 11am service, being tardy means you get your pick of the back left corner (our typical stomping grounds). But the 930 service is a different beast altogether - there's no parking and no slacker seating in the back of the room. Instead, we got put into the megaslacker seating - right up front where your slackerness is displayed in all it's glory as you march down the isle during the singing and plop yourselves down next to some unlucky soul who now has the unfortunate fate of sitting next to the loud, Chinese kid who likes to smack his die cast Nascars together and make Mandarin commentary throughout the service. So, we've managed two weeks straight and that is a small miracle.

What else...well, Ty had his first doctors visit this last week. Poor Ty had to get six shots, four in one leg and two in the other. He worked himself up into a lather over those but really freaked out when they tried to take his blood - which they had to do in both arms and still couldn't find a vein. So, he had to go back the next day and have 'the pro' do it. And he was a pro and he did great. But that first day was quite a doozy and for the next two days Ty's legs were all bruised up and he was walking around the house like Frankenstein with a limp. It would have been comical if it wasn't so sad.

We did the annual Naval Air Show last weekend and it was AWESOME. Ty had zero problems with the screaming afterburners and near supersonic jet noise. He LOVED the Blue Angels and the tactical demonstrations of the fighter jets. He has been zooming around the house with his arms out making airplane sounds all week. See Picture Pages below for some great shots of us at the show.

Ty is beginning to parrot back many of our sayings and words. He probably doesn't know what half the things he's saying mean but he is picking up English. Yahoo! Each day he tends to key in on one word or phrase and repeat it endlessly. Today was "tired", yesterday was "sleeping" (complete with hand motions) and the day before was "it's raining" because, well, it was raining - a lot - that day.

Well, that's all I have time for tonight. I'll try to be better with the updates from here on out.

BTW, my little dude is AWESOME!!!


Unknown said...

Hey Jacques, Thanks for still posting. Dan and I have been checking the blog about once a week and it is great to see all the new things you are experiencing for the first time as a family. He is learning english fast! I am sure you melted hearing the first "I Love You!"
We are still praying for your adjustment. Love you guys, Can't wait to meet Tyson
Dan and Angela

Anonymous said...

I'm still reading! Love it! There is a package come Ty's way for his birthday. It is to help him understand where his mommy came from. ha ha