Thursday, July 15, 2010

Moving Day

Travis here.  Today we leave for Guangzhou (GZ) at around noon.  I've been up since 5 with a fussy, sometimes sleeping Lucy who simply MUST stay in the bed next to me - three attempts to put her fast asleep little body into the crib resulted in tears within about 30 minutes.  If I keep her in bed next to me - no such tears.  I think that's called conditioning - and she's doing it to me, not the other way around. When we were here to get Tyson I worried about trying to establish routines and fretting over bad habits he was starting.  I didn't realize that over here none of this is really real - we're just doing everything we can to bide our time until the paperwork comes through and we can go home and do this thing for real.  Over hear you do whatever you have to do to get a better night's sleep, or to get her to stop crying or to eat some food when she is fussy.  Once we get back we'll establish the niceties and routine.

Had to pause in my typing for a few hours since the princess awoke and demanded an audience. She and I got a shower and got dressed and put in pigtails - all at about 100 decibels of crying.  Fun, fun.
So, we're off to GZ in a few hours - it's a 45 minute hop so will be a good trial run for the big show next week.  Since she won't even sit in a chair next to me without a meltdown, I guess she'll be in my lap for a bunch/all of the flight. Sweet!  

But in the end, all these labor pains are worth every bit. Lucy is awesome and when she emerges from her grief for brief periods of time she is such a joy to be with.  She laughs and tickles and giggles and plays peekaboo and talks to her gege (brother) and sings.  Such great potential on the other side of all this crying/grieving.  Please Lord make it soon.

Gotta go!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am sure that you have landed on GZ by now. I did use benadryl as a trial run from Nanchang to GZ and then some from Hong Kong to home but not as much, savanah did sleep a lot. Time in GZ will go by so fast now. Don't forget to visit the park the the China hotel. Can't wait so see you all.