Thursday, July 29, 2010

Pee Pee in the Potty

I can take almost no credit for this but our little girl, just 19 months old, has peed in the potty 5 times and gone poo poo there once today.  We were told that she was potty trained while we were in China and weren't really sure if we could rely on this info.  Considering her grief reaction we really didn't expect her to be able to control her tiny little bladder.  Over the last few days we've been able to read her non-verbal cues (you know that grunty, kind of getting red in the face with a funny stare that they get) & have been asking her if she needs to go about every hour.  One thing that we've learned is that if we ask her if she has to go and she replies in the affirmative that we need to take her immediately to the potty and put her on it.  This seems really obvious but in our excitement Trav & I both have taken her to the bathroom and while taking off her diaper said again 'pee pee in the potty!'.  This promptly results in a case of 'pee pee all over your hand that is between her legs'.  She's a tiny little thing but she let's loose enough liquid to soak her pants, the floor and your hands.  If she does do the deed in the potty she gets candy.  Like her brother, this is the period in which she will do almost anything for a Skittle.  

Tyson continues to be a great big brother.  Lulu likes to sit right on his lap and he lets her, even if he can no longer see what he was trying to do or play with.  She loves to kiss him.  If he responds to her pursed lips with a peck on the forehead she leaves her lips there until she gets the smooch that she wanted.  

I thought that I would have more time before Lucy began to have an opinion about her clothes.  To this day Tyson will wear just about anything that I pick out.  Baby Bird on the other hand has her own opinions.  She didn't like what I had picked out so she went into her drawer and picked out what she wanted to wear.  She also grabbed a few handfuls of other clothes that she carried around the house today.  I would love to know what goes through her mind.
We'll try to get more pictures posted this weekend.  Travis is back to work & I'm keeping busy.  BTW Lucy is doing pretty well without him, Thank the Lord, but in the afternoons checks the driveway repeatedly until he gets home.  She loves her daddy.
Thank you for all of your well wishes & prayers.  This is such a joyful time in our lives and we're glad that you all are in it with us.


Unknown said...

Wow, go Lucy girl with the potty training! She can give Blake some lessons when she's mastered the skill =)
It is so fun hearing about all her sayings and quirks and the clothes...ahhh, she is quite the little lady wanting to be stylish. Cant wait for the accessories! I will have to come play with the "girls!"
aunt dra

Julie said...

I am so happy that she is using the toilet for you. That is wonderful! Girl and clothes are so hard to explain. Just wait until she starts trying to change her clothes every 5 minutes and wants to wear two very conflicting patterns. Oh the fun.